why is it so hard to get my cat to eat raw?

What’s your favorite junk food? You know, that food that you want to eat until it makes you sick because it’s THAT good. Then, when it makes you sick, you swear you’ll never eat it again. Until tomorrow. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

That’s basically what cats go through with commercial food. The manufacturers have learned how to make it THAT appealing to them, borderline addictive. So, you see, you’ve been feeding your cat the equivalent of McDonalds french fries (and you probably didn’t know it) and now you’re trying to get them to eat salad. ⁣⁣

It’s all about finding the right dressing (until we get their bodies detoxed)! By far, the most successful method I’ve found for transitioning from commercial to raw is as follows:⁣⁣⁣

  1. Ditch the dry. Open garbage can, insert dry food! #byedry⁣⁣⁣

  2. Establish meal time with wet food. No more free feeding. I’ll say it again, NO MORE FREE FEEDING. I know you feel bad because you’re at work all day and what if you get home late? I promise they won’t starve! Establishing meal times is a MUCH healthier habit than the all you can eat meat cereal buffet! Depending on how stuck your baby is on dry, you may need to spend some time here experimenting with wet brands and flavors until you find one they like. You can even crush up the dry and sprinkle it on top or use some tuna juice - whatever works! Get creative!⁣⁣⁣

  3. Once they’re comfy with wet food meal time, take a little raw (A LITTLE! This is so you don’t waste it if they really make you work for it, then get frustrated and give up.) then smear some of the wet they like on top. Gently mash it in. Don’t mix it! They seem to be able to tell something is off if you mix it. For whatever reason, using the wet as a light topper seems to work better.⁣⁣⁣

  4. Gradually add more raw and less wet!⁣⁣⁣

  5. Be patient! Some cats need smaller steps, maybe a tastier dressing, and that’s ok!⁣⁣⁣

The ease and speed with which cats move through this transition from commercial food to raw varies a ton! Some cats will take to plain raw immediately and others really make you work for it. Try not to get frustrated with you baby!

Take it slow.

Get creative.

Be persistent.

You’ve got this!